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tv   Hannity  FOX News  November 10, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm EST

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candidates go head to head in michigan. >> if i'm president of the united states, i will be true to my family, to my faith and to our country. >> frank lunts and his focus group pick the winners and losers from last night's heated debate. >> the crowd sides with herman cain over the liberal mainstream mede yai. here, we are focusing on character and judgment. you have been a ceo -- [boos] >> sean: gloria allred's here in the studio to respond. >> a sex abuse scandal rocks
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penn state university and a legend is fired. >> i love you all. >> sean: but was joe paterno's dismissal justified? plus, presidential candidate jon huntsman and his daughters, who are doing ads for him, join me in the studio. we are on the road to 2012. "hannity" starts right here, right now. we are less than two months away from the iowa caucuses and last night, the g.o.p. candidates faced off once again. the moment that had everyone talks was rick perry's -- well, temporary brain freeze. >> it's three agencies of government when i get there that are gone -- commerce, education and the... what's the third one there? let's see. >> you can't name the third one? >> the third agency of government i would do away with, education... the... commerce... and let's see... i can't. the third one, i can't.
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sorry. oops. >> sean: when it came to the issues, did last night's debate change any mines about who should take on president barack obama next year? frank lunts watched the debate with a group of republican voters in the ever important swing state of michigan. let's get right to it and ask them. frank? >> reporter: sean, there have been a dozen political confrontations and it's rare that the group almost unanimously picks one winner. who won this debate? >> newt gingrich. >> reporter: how many of you were backing newt gingrich days ago? how many of you thought he won today? what happened? clearly new supporters. what did he say? what did he do? >> hoo had knowledge of the facts. i think his poise when he gets in a confrontation and he doesn't seem like a washington insider. >> reporter: why gingrich? >> he gives intelligent answers that are direct and to the point. >> reporter: gingrich? >> his intellect is what really surprised me. i think that his intellect, you
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know he became confrontational-- >> reporter: too confrontational? >> no, not at all. >> reporter: you agree with that? >> yes! >> reporter: we have a segment i want to show you, one of the most powerful segments, when newt gingrich challenged the medeiasm we used our patented instant response dials, the higher the dial, the more favorable reaction. this is one of the best tested segments of the debate. let's take a look. >> hais the media reporting about the economy? >> i love humor. disguised as a question. i have yet to have a single reporter ask a occupy wall street person about the economy, to say, who will pay for the park you are occupying if nobody's making a profit? >> reporter: let me ask you guys. you loved it. but is this too hot? isn't it too strong? >> no!
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>> i think some of the independent swing voters might be a little strong. i hope they listen to what he says as opposed to how he acts. >> i thought he brought passion to the conversation and an absolute command of the issues. he knows what he's talking about. the rest are about sound bites. >> he comes across cool. like, you don't think he's ticked off. he says it so dill jeptly itch i want to to take on president obama like he took on the media. >> reporter: you want him to challenge president obama? >> yes, i do. >> i was excited to see him debate president obama. if he can do that the way he did tonight, he will do very well. >> he gets the nomination. >> reporter: why do you feel that? >> why do i feel he was in control? he literally had every answer to every question, through his history. >> reporter: why isn't he doing better? >> he is improving in the polls. i think people are just now revisiting him. we are through the part about rick perry is the star of the day, romney's the star of the
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day, herman cain's the star of the day. we are looking for somebody who can debate barack obama, who has a knowledge what have needs to be done. i think, really, he knows where the skeletons near washington and that might be a plus as well. >> reporter: we have an idea that gingrich won the debait. who came in second? >> romney. >> reporter: how many of you felt romney came in second? before we have that conversation about romney, there was one clip that you picked out, clearly tax cuts are still important in the republican primary. and mitt romney, when he discussed tax cuts, it went through the roof. let's take a look. >> backed lie a plan that dramatically cuts spending in washington, that gets us to a 20% cap and makes sure we have a balanced budget. i how do i do it? number 1, cut programs. get rid of programs we don't have to have, like obamacare. take a lot of programs we have at the state -- excuse me, send them back to the state, where
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they can be better run with less fraud and abuse. number 3, finally, bring productivity and management expertise to the federal government. cut the workforce by 10% and i want to make sure we link the compensation to that which exists in the private sector. people who are public servants shouldn't get more money than the taxpayers they are serving. >> reporter: what it was about mitt romney, and his responses, what he said or how he said it? >> calm. >> he's measured. he's consistent. he's well tested. we know who he is. >> exactly. he stays calm. he is very artulate. >> you can anticipate what he's going to say. >> like newt, he has control over the issues, but i stell feel like, i don't know if i can trust him in the long run. >> right. he's flip flopped over the years judge how many agree he's knowledgeable on the issues, raise your hands?
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unanimous. how many feel comfortable with him as the nominee? you may not support him, but feel comfortable with him. okay. so most of you. john, you are going to say something? >> he has the stature. he looks presidential. >> to me, he came across as more not necessarily relaxed, but less stiff. >> reporter: michael, how old are you? >> i'm 18. >> reporter: this is your first presidential vote. you never forget your first. who did you think won? >> i think romney won. >> reporter: why is that. . >> he assured me he would stick to the policies and told me what he would do with the obamacare. i knew it wouldn't be close to romneycare. >> reporter: aren't you concerned more about education than health care? >> i care about the economy. his tax plan will lower the rates and it will be fast dismuf not too dramatic to shock the system. >> reporter: interesting.
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couple more points. why romney? why was romney so good tonight? >> pro business. that's what grows the economy. government can't grow the economy, business does. >> reporter: last one. >> this was an economic debate and that's where romney's the strongest. >> reporter: it is interesting to me, they picked gingrich first, and only a few people walked in here supporting him. they thought romney did very well. >> thanks. coming up, the audience stood by herman cain at the republican debate. tonight, sharon bialek's attorney, gloria allred sppds to the overwhelming show of support and tell us what is next for her client. violence rocks penn state university after joe paterno was fired. did the board of trustees make the right call? that and more much on this edition of "hannity." ♪ ♪ mama said there'd be days like this ♪
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>> sean: you just heard from frank lunts and key moments in the debate. for me, one critical turning point was when one moderator attempted to bring up the sexual allegations facing herman cain. listen to the audience reaction, followed by cain's response. watch this. >> mr. cain, the american people want jobs, but they also want leadership, they want character in a president n. recent days, we have learned that four different women have accused you of inappropriate behavior. here, we are focusing on character and on judgment. you have been a ceo -- [boos
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from the audience]. >> you know that chairholders are reluctant to hire a ceo with character issues. why should the american people hire a president if they feel there are character issues? >> the american people deserve better than someone being tried in the court of public opinion, based on unfounded accusations [applause] >> sean: meanwhile, sharon bialek's attorney has sharpened her comments about republican candidate herman cain in recent day, even calling him a, quote, serial sexual harasser and serialliogar. joining me now is sharon bialek's attorney, gloria allred. i prefer when youor my side, which is occasional. these are serious allegations. you said and made a big point in your press conference -- and i watched the whole thing -- that your client could have sold the
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story, it could have been about money. but it's not. why won't she rule out a book deal? >> she has no plans to make a book. >> new york times, miss sharon bialek has said she is not seeking money but she has not ruled out a book deal. you made a big point saying it wasn't about money. >> i have spoken with her. no one has offered us a book deal. we haven't looked for a book deal. she hasn't talked to anyone about a book deal. >> you have been in celebrity media a long time. that's not nonsense, you know and i know she's going to get a book deal. >> she has already told her story. that's what is important. the critical point where she could have made money, she could have sold her story without any charge -- >> sean: but if she tell its more -- >> she's not -- take the book deal off the table. it's not happening. okay? >> sean: not happening? >> i have represented people in book deals.
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and a number of them have fried and burned from the scott peterson case -- even the jury, i represented. he is not -- she is not asked me to represent terto do anything with a book deal. >> sean: here's a problem i see with the story. first of all, what happened to the idea that there was a severance payment to her, which is very different from a legal settlement term. you're a lawyer, you know the distinction and difference. they came up with a severance agreement that was supposed to be confidential -- >> talking about the other -- some other women. >> sean: okay, right. in that case. i am thinking, all right, so in this case, we don't have that. in this case, we have this. she goes to look for a jobful she never worked for the restaurant association. and i am putting this all together in my mind. do you not understand why people are saying, wait a minute, is this politically motivated? >> you mean as to sharon? >> sean: as to all of these charges. we don't know what the specific charge is except for your
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client. you said he's a serial abuser. >> what i said, sean, if in fact, the allegations of all four women are to be believed and are true, then he is a serial sexual harasser -- >> sean: if! >> yes, i did say if. if they are true, he is also a serial liar and a person who disrespects the rights of women to enjoy equal employment opportunity without the interference of sexual harassment in the workplace. >> sean: if we follow the timeline here, right? she said she wantedh help. she wants to get a job. she has a history of bankruptcy. she has a questionable employment record -- job after job after job after job. legitimate questions to check the credibility of somebody. now, when this allegedly happened, didn't she get back in the car with him after? >> in the car? >> sean: with herman cain. didn't she spend time with him after that supposedly happened. >> no, she asked him to take her
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back to the hotel. >> sean: she got back in i. this happened in the car. >> sean: that's what i am saying. >> he had taken her to see the national restaurant association building. >> sean: why -- if that happened and it was so traumatic, and it was so bad, why would she stay in the car with him? >> she didn't. she said, take me back to the hotel -- >> sean: that's staying in the car. >> she wasn't going to get out at night in the dark in washington, d.c. and i don't know what would have happened to her, wherever that was. she said, please take me back and he was taking her back and he did take her back and she got out. >> sean: is there anything you know that you haven't told the public? >> yes. >> sean: what? >> about what? >> sean: about herman cain? why not get it out on the table? why leave this lingering? you hinted to me when i was speaking to you that there is more to come. do you have more that's coming out? >> there may be -- don't you love surprises, sean? >> sean: are gloria, this is somebody's life. if have you informs, this has gone on for two weeks.
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it's hurting his candidacy. if you have facts or information, don't you think it's fair to bring it out now. let him respond and instead of drip, drip, drip. reputation ruined, maybe unfairly. >> what about these women, four women -- >> sean: tell the story. you say ooh well this hasn't been decided in a court of law, an insinuation. these women made -- >> sean: those were settlements. >> in the context of an employment dispute. in fact, apparently, he denied them. there was a settlement with the national restaurant association. they were paid financial settlements. >> reporter: i were thaip they were severance -- >> let's understand something. an employer never admits sexual harassment. i have done literally thousands of confidential settlements and the employer never admits to anything in the settlement agreement.
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>> sean: well, the restaurant association -- herman cain never signed -- herman cain never signed a thing. >> well, that's not unusual. >> sean: if this is so important, don't you think it's fair for everyone going to the iowa straw poll and the new hampshire primary, don't they have a right to know now? isn't it fair to him to address his accusers? in a court of law, with evidence and at least, if you are going to make the charges, put it out there, put them out there now, or else his reputation is on the line, doesn't he have the right to a fair hearing? >> what about this? he is the one who knows what the specifics were that the women who were working there at the national restaurant association -- >> sean: he says he told everything. >> you could be sure that they didn't just say, you're the same height as my wife. that is preposterous. that shows disdain for the common sense -- >> sean: you don't know -- you
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don't know. >> i can tell you that one of their attorneys has said publicly, that wasn't all there was. so come on! [overlapping dialogue] >> why doesn't mr. cain tell you -- >> sean: why don't the women -- >> i don't want his answer. i want the facts. >> sean: okay. >> what does he say that they alleged -- >> sean: we are agreed. >> why doesn't he just say, put it all out there. he can do this. >> sean: isn't this a big phenomenon where people make false allegations because they get payouts because corporations make a financial decision that it's better off to make this go away and it's a lot cheaper. you know and i know this is happening. and it happened in greater numbers for years. isn't that true? >> well, i don't know. i can tell you, we have recovered about more than $250 million for victims of sexual harassment and sex discrimination. i can tell you, corporations don't pay that kind of money unless we can show them the
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facts, unless we can show them the law that supports our positions. >> sean: i'm late. do you agree with me, lie detector test, not admissible in law, a waste of everybody's time. >> i think that herman cain could -- >> sean: it's not admissible in court. >> what about the fairness to women -- >> sean: i'm against sexual harassment. and i'm also against false charges, which happens near and more. >> have you no idea that it's not false -- >> sean: i'm admitting i don't know. i have known herman cain for a decade. i have never seen this side of him. he has worked with my female staff on the radio and they have nothing but great things. >> people say that any child molesters too. i knew that person, i didn't know he would ever -- >> sean: last question. you were asked to represent anita broderick. i know you won in the weiner case. why not get on board with the juanita broderick case? >> i cannot take every case that people ask me to take.
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okay? we -- have to reject a lot of cases. but as you said, i criticized democratic congressman anthony weiner for sexually inappropriate texts. my client and asked that he resign and he did the next day. i'm nonpartisan. >> sean: but they had a picture in that case. gloria, appreciate you being with us. brent bozel is next with our media bias about herman cain and g.o.p. hopeful -- jon huntsman, former governor with his three daughters. and they have been doing campaign ads for him. they will explain life on the road. that and much more, next. ♪ [ male announcer ] evy day, thsands of people are choosing advil®. advil® helps me do what i love. the job's tough, advil® is tougher. advil® never lets me down. [ male announcer ] take action. take advil®.
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>> tonight on our great, great american pab, he is the president, founder of the think tank, simon rosenberg is here. leslie sanchez is back. he, the i-man, don imus's producer. [speaking in irish acsen]. >> tell gloria allred, she's about the same height as my wife. [chuckles] >> sean: you are about to be sued. >> you know, i played the herman
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cain answer to the sexual harassment. the crowd goes nuts. boo! and they try to bring mitt romney in. they boo! and then they say, lite get back to the economy, everyone's cheering. they are so sick of this. hank williams jr. on the cmas with brad paisley and keri underwood and he shows up. watch what happens when hank williams comes out, remember the monday night football issue... [singing]. >> but you can't compare the president to hitler... [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause]
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>> hank williams jr. >> what does this say i. that was great. >> sean: about political correctness? >> that's a backlash against political correctness. that's america, right there. people are sick and tired of this crap, you can't utter a word and you have the idiots online, monitoring everything people say. and the crowd gets up and smacks them back in the face -- >> sean: wait a minute. but liberals can attack. we will get into this later. i am going to play, they can talk and refer to the herman cain thing as predatory black sexuality, that he's harassing a blonde woman. black sexuality. blonde women, the grand wizard -- there is no grand wizard in the party -- they can attack sarah palin and her kids. >> right. special needs children. how is she going to do the job of a man? all of those sexist things and you call hypocrisy and there is
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a dramatic push-back. >> sean: clearly all rowdy friends want him back on monday night football. but he will be back. >> i think it shows, they know a lot about show business and not a lot about politics. i think this was -- they made the right decision to get him off the air. the thing he said about the president was beyond the pale. what you saw last night, we saw, you know, this is about show business -- >> sean: no, you are missing it. because the crowd is fed up that you can't speak your mind. now, it's interesting you say that. do you think that somebody who said that herman cain needs to get off the symbolic crack pipe -- do you think he ought to be taken off the air? should that person be taken off the air? or that conservatives life like him because he's a black man and knows his place? should that person be taken off the air? that was prior to the sexual harassment issue? should all of those people be off the air? >> were they anchors or
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commentators? itch they are people on the network. >> the one anchor with the grand wizard comment, yeah. >> sean: david gregory -- >> sean: wait a minute. the liberal's quiet. let the liberal talk. >> i think that -- >> sean: what. >> they made the right decision about hank williams. >> sean: i didn't ask but hank williams, did i? i asked you about liberals on your side, when they say the incendiary stuff, why don't you say they should go. >> i think if thist crosses the line, they should go. >> sean: does that cross the line, about the grand wizzar. >> that was inappropriate. >> sean: should he be taken off the air. >> i will let nbc make that decision. >> come on. >> sean: i love this. this is exactly what we are saying. a liberal, selective moral outrage by the left. >> i don't think, like you, sean, anybody should have a chance to apologize, get a second chance. >> exactly. >> it's the death penalty. you say stuff and you are out. the double standard is that they can get away with it and the
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people on the right cannot. >> sean: anybody say anything over the line about sarah palin? symbolic crack pipe? >> bill maher called her the "c" word. >> >> sean: should he be off the word? >> i think it would be better for everybody if there was more civility in the media. >> sean: should bill maher be off the air. >> that's a good question. >> sean: you are such a hypocrite. >> i think in the case of comparing president obama to hitler -- >> sean: you can say the "c" word about sarah palin. >> i said it was beyond the pale. >> sean: should he be off the air then? >> i don't think so. >> let's get him. >> sean: you are going to meet the secret weapon of jon huntsman, his three daughter, coming up, straight ahead. early stages of cancer, and it's something that we're extremely proud of. you see someone who is saved because of this technology,
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you know that the things that you do in your life matter. if i did have an opportunity to meet a cancer survivor, i'm sure i could take something positive away from that. [ jocelyn ] my name is jocelyn. and i'm a cancer survivor. [ woman ] i had cancer. i have no evidence of disease now. [ woman #2 ] i would love to meet the people that made the machines. i had such an amazing group of doctors and nurses, it would just make such a complete picture of why i'm sitting here today. ♪ [ man ] from the moment we walk in the front door, just to see me -- not as a cancer patient, but as a person that had been helped by their work, i was just blown away. life's been good to me. i feel like one of the luckiest guys in the world. ♪
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cnn, nbc, of what they said about herman cain before all of this came up. let's roll this tape. >> i think he needs to get off the symbolic crack pipe. >> cain crain is just the latest incarnation of what is totally false to the needs of our community and the needs of our nation. i think he's a bad apple. >> he seems willing to say anything in order to curry white favor. >> the people that he needs to win over in order to win a primary, those people do not want to hear from a black man who's aggressive, assertive, angry. they want to hear from a man who is assimilated, calm, measured. >> i think that he makes that white republican base of the party feel okay, like they are not racist because they can like this guy. i think he is giving that base a free pass. i think they like him because they think he's a black man who knows his place. >> if this were said by
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conservatives -- fired, right? >> exactly. this is dpis gusting. >> sean: it is disgusting. >> you have heard the party of supposed tolerance, is the intolerant party. but this is hate. this is abject hate and racism. it's disgusting. herman cain should be celebrated. a great story. like clarence thomas. instead, the vitriole is mined mined -- mind-boggling and it's happening on a legitimate network, nbc and they are getting away with it. >> sean: that's the double standard. is there anything there -- do you think anybody that you heard that you think should never go back on the air, should be banned? by the way, i don't support banning any of the people i mentioned. i don't want david gregory or bill maher or hank williams off monday night football. i don't buy into the political correctness. i think if you make a mistake, you have a chance to explain it and move o. let's stop being so sensitive. do you want those people fired like hank williams?
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>> i think that cain crain had a bad week -- i didn't ask you. i said, should any of those people be fired? >> i don't think so. i am agreeing with your standard. >> sean: so hank, you take back your words -- >> no, no. i think -- >> sean: forget it. >> [overlapping dialogue] >> sean: if i have a heart attack on this program, it's your fault. >> suspebbedded for two weeks. are you going to give us anything? admonished? >> sean: nothing, nothing. liberals can say whatever the hell they want. >> let's put some reality in this. i know those folks. a love those people are not contributor, they can't are fired. but you see a lot of liberal lefts want everyone to think in ethnic solidarity, that they represent the entire african-american community. >> this shatters that illusion. >> it shatters it. >> sean: that's why they are a threat, conservative women are a threat, marco rubio is a threat. herman cain's threat. we have joe paterno fired.
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students rioting as a result. and... he knew about the molestation of a 10-year-old kid, he was told. he went to the athletic director. the penn state community is furious. they didn't do anything from that point. he report t.d people say, why noty didn't you go to the cops. what do you think? >> right decision. should have fired him as soon as they heard about it. what these kids did -- they exacerbated the problem. they exceeded the recklessness of the morons. with these kids going out there. how can you defend a guy who didn't go to the police after he heard about a 10-year-old boy being rape in the shower?! >> sean: how nobody -- in the whole chain didn't tell the police is amazing. >> it went from penn state to punk state in three days. with all due respect to the good people and the alumni. >> there is a predator out there, students basically are choosing the wrong side of that issue. i think there is going to be a lot more people held responsible
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here, except the coach who sat here and didn't do anything, didn't protect the child. i think there is a lot we will learn. but everybody turned a blind eye here. >> the grand jury report is brutal. >> brutal. >> people know about t. it's hard to take that. >> i agree. it's a terrible story. >> the more we know about tit's amazing that nobody intervened. over how many years? going to 1994, that was the first incident, long before '98. he was fired fired in '98. >> for tim mcquery still works at the school. >> sean: sad. the fact that the kids were not protected. so many people had opportunities here. and they didn't do it. all right. g good to see you. we will come back, media mash and jon huntsman and three daughter, their videos and tweets, going viral. that's next. straight ahead. [ malannouncer ] imagine facing the day with less chronic low back pain.
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>> welcome back to "hannity." time for media mash, our weekly ways of all the ways the mainstream media tries to put its liberal spin on the news. better late than never, brent bozel. how are you, sir? >> sean, how are you? caller: glad you made t. heard you got caught in traffic. >> l.a. >> sean: i just -- we just played what they said about herman before the sexual harassment issue came up. symbolic crack pipe, trying to curry white favor. conservatives like him. he's a black man who knows his place. let's play the things that have been said after he is now been accused in the sexual harassment case. watch this. >> we are going to see how open the g.o.p. is to this black -- their new black friend when they find out he's harasses blonde women, as opposed to black women that. thing of black sexuality,
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predatory black sexuality. >> look, i think it will be interesting to see if these guys rally around herman cain with as much forassity as they have the last couple of weeks, now that it's clear thoa whole other layer of black sexuality has been infused. >> very jarring for the g.o.p -- for anybody -- i think to see a black man be sexually aggressive in an unwanted way toward a blonde white woman, especially a blonde white woman. >> does the party now wish he would just go away? >> there is no grand wizard in the party who can really force the issue. >> sean: i wonder if brian williams is proud of this. all of those cuts were from nbc news. >> these people have gone beyond the pale. they are really disgusting at this point. this is a party that preaches tolerance and has shown how intolerant it really is. this is a party that preaches racial diversity and is
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practicing racism. but it's the worst kind. hathey are trying to say, look at republicans, this is a black boy, going after your white women. look at this. aren't you offendd? aren't you offended? earth to them. they don't understand the reality. have you seen it, sean. you have been on stage with him. i have been on stage with him. the crowd erunts for him, every time he gets on the stainless steel. you saw it last night. i saw it last night. they wrap themselves around them when the same type of reporters try to go after him. his supporters -- white conservatives -- love this man >> sean: we are running out of time. >> we know what happened. perry -- well, didn't have a good 53 seconds. but watch how the media plays on this this morning. you have a host of republicans, operatives overnight saying this is a death blow to your campaign. >> have you quotes from republican strategists. it was a political deathnel, the human equivalent of the shuttle challenger. >> have you thought about ending
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your campaign? are you staying in this race, sir? >> how is this not the end? convince us this is not the end of your candidacy? >> sean: i thought -- before and after that moment, i thought he had his best debate. that was my take. your reaction? >> yeah. but he -- he was on the line. and he fumbled the ball. i think he's finished. that being said, however, when did you see the media -- when obama said that he was campaigning in 57 states, when he said he was born because of the civil rights when he was born 3 years before. when he said that 10,000 people die in the oklahoma tornado, when it was 11. you didn't see the debet by 1,000 cuts. you didn't see the media reporting over and over and over again. it was done. >> sean: see you next week. we often her from the candidates on the road to 2012. but tonight, jon huntsman, his secret weapon, his three daughters will speak out next,
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>> now, recent months, the republican presidential candidates have been all over the airwaves. we watched them stumping in all the key primary states. but oftentime what we haven't seen is the people behind the scenes, namely, their families.
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well, tonight, we are going to change that. joining me now in the studio, republican presidential candidate, former governor jon huntsman and his three daughters, elizabeth-- the trouble-maker, abigail and maryann. i thought that was a very good debate for you. >> they are becoming more substantive with each passings attempt. there are four to go -- >> you have been shy -- not -- now that i know you a little bit, i think you are more outspoken. >> you develop a rhythm with these things. you have to find your comfort zone. it's a new thing. and you find as they become more substantive, have you tomore to say. but it's lonely on the end. we are encouraging them to do better in the polls. be closer to the center of the room that you get. >> sean: this is interesting. is she the trouble-maker? >> absolutely. >> sean: you really are you? want to work for saturday night
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live one day? >> hopefully. >> sean: you want to be a writer or you want to be on air? >> i would do both, i don't know. i live in a humorous world, as you can see from our tweets and videos. >> sean: apparently, this is interesting. you had a twitter account and you found out about it because the world started to pick up it was you and you weren't happy. >> the only thing that cp comes out of twitter are things that embarrass the old man. we are in for real trouble. >> sean: my son added 48 hours and i was like, this is not good. i am not ready for this world. >> sean: you came up with -- first of all, you came up with an idea. why don't i let your sisters tell it. he has the idea to spoof. >> we are on the couch, 7:30 in the morning i. she woke me up. she said, i have this crazy idea. but we are going to do it, we are going to spoof the cain ad. i said absolutely not. that will hurt dad. no way. and somehow, we said we are
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going to blow bubbles that, will be age appropriate. we have to do it irkts this is because of the smoking ad that his chief of staff did. >> right. i ran into him last night and we took a photo together. that was the highlight of my night. >> sean: have they seen your ad? >> oh, yeah! >> sean: it became a sensation. were you surprised. >> after watching a youtube video tbecame viral. we thought, we have to do ray spoof to this. we didn't think it would go as viral as it did. >> hopefully, there is more to come. >> sean: you were critical of mitt romney i. you are sweating already. >> sean: well, you called him for example, because you were the ambassador to china. why you worked for obama, that's a whole question. but the ambassador to china. you said, what does romney know about china, he was only there once and the olympics, panda express -- whose line was that? did do you that? >> maybe. girls in. >> twerp at the debate during
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that time. we looked down -- >> we found out -- >> supervision with my ipad and twitter. >> sean: you have a history of creating trouble. governor, you explain the story of the night you were elected governor, she's dating the son of your opponent -- >> you can believe that? >> up against the democrats scott mythison into the finals, an emotional, difficult moment as these things are, only to find that my daughter was dating the son -- you. >> sean: you didn't know this. >> i found out very late in the game. two cars were parked together on a date. one with a huntsman sticker and one with a mathison sticker. what do you do. >> sean: you have to console the kids. >> why did i become a diplomat? it's the only way to get through the family. are you kidding! >> sean: there was a moment when -- it was you again. >> which line? >> sean: with the pimp. >> that was the night before my
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dad was was announced to be the ament bass dorin china. i awoke with a pimp and two hookers above me at the marriott. >> sean: did they say hello. >> i was like, is this a new wake-up call. the marriott's stepping it up. >> sean: what do you think of your sister? >> i think that my dad is still alive, raising her is one reason he will be the best president of this country. >> sean: same thing? >> definitely. >> what is the best training for the presidency? >> you have been overseas four times, ambassador three times. raising seven kids, this is just a fraction. this is the three oldest. >> sean: you seem like best friends. >> we are. we are very close. who came up with the idea about david axelrod's mustache. >> that was all of us -- the two of us. >> yeah. that would be us. >> sean: who wants to explain it? >> well, you know, the definition is that the mustache, if -- you save the flavor when
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is you eat, so later on you can have the same flavors. >> exactly. >> apparently, there were different types of mustache. it's a learning process. >> there are other terms for it. >> sean: i don't know what it means. i'm in the dark. but i was born in 1940. >> but now you know. >> sean: i have to google it. this is another moment on the campaign trail. >> i wake up every morning thinking, help us all, if i can make it to the end of the day without being highly embarrassed, it will be a minor miracle. >> sean: one serious question. your dad comes under fire. your dad gets attacked. one by one. what's it like for you, you love your dad, obviously. he's been a governor, so you have been through some of it. but it's more scrutiny. >> this is a much bigger scale. but the important thing is that we are here together. we know what goes on in the home. that's the best you can do, going through this. >> how hard is it? >> it's definitely hard. but we get through it, knowing the trouble we near and we know
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our dad is the best to handle the situation. that keeps us going. we have our family and that supports us. >> sean: you travel everywhere with your dad? >> for the most part. >> i would agree. i think that we all are so confident in my dad and what we are doing and, you know what? in this world, nobody said it was going to be easy. we have kind of been out there and i don't know -- >> sean: last question. are you dating anybody in any other campaign, maybe you want to tell your dad now, get it out of the way, so it won't happen on election night? >> actually, dad... tag and i at the debate. >> sean: tag romney. >> i think he's married. >> sean: that would be a good scandal. >> that would be really bad. >> sean: i hate to think, there is a parliament of us in the media, we love trouble, as have you probably figured out. girls, a lighter side of politics and insight. governor, you and i are going to have a real interview now. >> absolutely. >> thank you. >> sean: stay out of trouble,